Contributions 2024

Primary Option Contributions

Company subsidy policy - Effective 1 January 2024

  • For active employees in job grades E to G, the company pays 50% of the total contribution for immediate family dependants. No subsidy is paid by the company for financial dependants.
  • For active employees in job grades A to D, the company's contribution has been taken into account in the cost-to-company package. No additional subsidy will be applied.
  • Pensioner members are responsible for the full contribution.
  • The member is responsible for the full adult dependant contribution for dependants over the age of 25 who are full-time students, financially dependent or who are mentally or physically disabled.
Income category R0 - R4 320 R4 321 - R9 300 R9 301 - R13 900 R13 901 - R18 620 R18 621 - R23 240 R23 241 - R27 940 R27 941 - R34 790 R34 791 - R49 480 R49 481 +
Principal member R1 205 R1 205 R1 273 R1 782 R2 305 R2 552 R2 611 R2 841 R2 856
Adult dependant R1 205 R1 205 R1 273 R1 782 R2 305 R2 552 R2 611 R2 841 R2 856
Child dependant R441 R441 R460 R511 R628 R686 R704 R764 R769

Plus Option Contributions

Company subsidy policy - Effective 1 January 2024

  • For active employees in job grades E to G, the company pays 50% of the total contribution for immediate family dependants. No subsidy is paid by the company for financial dependants.
  • For active employees in job grades A to D, the company's contribution has been taken into account in the cost-to-company package. No additional subsidy will be applied.
  • Pensioner members are responsible for the full contribution.
  • The member is responsible for the full adult dependant contribution for dependants over the age of 25 who are full-time students, financially dependent or who are mentally or physically disabled.
  • The annual allocation to the Medical Spending Account (MSA) will be 20% of the total monthly contribution multiplied by 12 months (MSA contributions are included in the above contribution table).
  • Members who join during the year will receive an allocation on a pro rata basis.
  • Members who resign during the year will only be entitled to an MSA allocation equal to the number of months they contributed.
  • Amounts overspent will be collected from the member.
Income category R0 - R4 320 R4 321 - R9 300 R9 301 - R13 900 R13 901 - R18 620 R18 621 - R23 240 R23 241 - R27 940 R27 941 - R34 790 R34 791 - R49 480 R49 481 +
Principal member R1 735 R3 049 R3 226 R3 418 R3 655 R3 851 R3 940 R3 978 R3 998
Adult dependant R1 735 R3 049 R3 226 R3 418 R3 655 R3 851 R3 940 R3 978 R3 998
Child dependant R543 R824 R879 R916 R978 R1 043 R1 061 R1 069 R1 075